Saturday, August 30, 2008

Baby Update

First let me say that everything is A-OK... and that this may me TMI for some people.

Wednesday I started noticing some bleeding and of course freaked out!
I called the doctor and was assured that this was normal and unless accompanied by any cramps that I did not need to be worried. HELLO!? Does she know what we've been through? Telling me not to worry is like telling peanut butter not to hang out with jelly. Anyways.... I did worry and when I couldn't get an appointment until next week I decided I would not be able to make it through the long weekend without being a nervous wreck.
So Nick and I went to the ER.
After 5 long hours we were given the following results:
The baby's heartbeat was 166 beats per minute.*
My HCG levels were well over 130,000.(that is good)
The baby measured 8.9 weeks (right on track).
And.. we saw arm and leg buds forming!

So... the moral of the story is better to be safe than sorry and I feel reassured knowing everything is ok. Please keep praying.

(*The old wive's tale says anything over 150 is a girl!!)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Baby Connor

My dear friend Carrie just delivered her baby boy weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz!
Keep her in your prayers!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A New Beginning

As my wife takes one last relaxing trip to the beach before yet another school year begins, she wanted me to update her blog with some very exciting news....... WE ARE EXPECTING IN APRIL!! Although I'm not as good as Jessica is with this "blog thing," I'm sure she will have more insight to post when she returns. However, I'm equally elated and relieved as is Jess in finding out the news. As of Wednesday, the baby measured 4.3 centimeters and was exactly 7 weeks old. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers, as God has heard and answered them. ~Nick

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Got Faith?

While searching the internet for prayers for expectant mothers, I came across this magnificent painting: The Prayer of an Expectant Mother (Dmitri Petrov, 2005)

So...tomorrow we go to the doctor's for our first visit. I am praying constantly and feeling the assurance that everything is going to be fine! Of course there is a part of me that is scared too! I will update as soon as I can after the visit, but in the meantime please keep us in prayer!

Heavenly Father, please grant this baby of Nick & Jessica's a full term of nurture,
the joy and mystery of life, and the blessing of your love.
Grant them the fulfillment of their dreams,a baby to cherish and protect, a child to teach and guide, a blessing to their family. I pray that this baby will grow well and live to praise forever Your Holy Name.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Full Circle

I got this as a gift last year for the big 30! It applies again but only for the next 45 minutes because tommorrow is my birthday... We go to the doctor on Wednesday for our first appointment. Keep us in your prayers:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008