Monday, September 15, 2008

11wks and 6 days

Our appointment today revealed that I am going to be exactly 12 weeks tomorrow according to baby's measurements. That is exactly what I thought/calculated. We could not hear the heartbeat today:( but we did see it on the sonogram along with lots of wiggly movements. It is amazing how much the baby has changed in 4 weeks. Keep praying!!!


Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

how exciting! i hope you're feeling better too. :)

JEN said...

Hi-a friend linked me your blog, and I just wanted to say congrats. Our 2nd daughter was stillborn @ 41w in 2007, and I am currently almost 14w pregnant. It's nice to read about other's journeys, in the sense of knowing others walking a similiar path of pregnancy after the hell that is stillbirth.

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! We could not hear Abby's heartbeat at 12 weeks either, but I am so glad you got to see a wiggly little sonogram image. I am so excited for you!

JustMelisAll said...

Congrats and my thoughts are with you!