Yesterday, I had to go for the 3 hour glucose test because I failed my first test. In other words, my levels were elevated. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this test- you show up and give a blood sample, then you drink a sugary drink called Glucola. Next, every hour for 3 more hours you give blood samples again. They check to see how your efficiently your body is breaking down the sugars. I should have the results by Monday and will repost when I do. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had to fast from midnight on and thought I would starve, but was really ok until the last 1/2 hour or so. I started feeling like I had just drank 3 glasses of wine. My mom came and kept me company and tried for the 2nd time to teach me to crochet (I stink at it) and the time actually passed quickly. So when I felt woozy at the end, Mom went and got me some Apple Juice and Saltines and that helped a lot. After leaving the doctor's office, we indulged ourselves and had lunch at PF Chang's! That helped alot too!:)
In other news, while at the office, Nick called to check in and see how I was feeling. Although I feel the baby moving often, it is still hard for him to feel him and it is frustrating for him. He suggested asking to hear the heartbeat since I was at the office anyway. I felt kind of embarassed because I didn't have an appointment and the lab where I was getting my bloodwork done is a separate section of the office, but I had a really nice nurse so I did ask her. I explained that Nick was not there with me and was feeling nervous. In addition to the fact that we just got passed the time in my pregnancy when I lost Caroline. So..she snuck me back when the doctor had a break. I think that this doctor might just be the nicest person ever. Before she came in to see me, I got my mom to come back too. After several tries, she couldn't hear the heartbeat very well. You could hear a faint swish, swish, but she wasn't happy with that. (Needless to say, neither was I!) It was scary, but common for me in this pregnancy. I think it has happened at 3 or 4 of my appointments before. She went ahead and put me in the sonogram room and quickly located the little guy. His heartbeat was 144 BPM and he was wiggling all around. We even saw an ear! (And, yes, it did seem to resemble his dad's!) She printed the following pictures for me. The first one is showing his heartrate and the second is of his face, arm, and leg. Thru tears, my mom and I thanked her for making our day.
Wow...what an awesome doctor you've found. I might have to get the name from you because I may need to switch practices. Hmmmmm...
I'm so glad you got to see him again - there's just nothing like the reassurance of that image on the u/s screen, wiggling around.
lol about the ears... so glad you got to see him, elliott can't wait for playdates. fingers crossed about the results - but BELIEVE ME - you can handle it.
I am in tears now too. You can totally make out his sweet face in the 2nd photo.
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